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TES: Legends & ESO Inspired Armors (Bosmer)


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Theres a severe lack of high quality Bosmeri armor (and weapons) in this game - even 11 years of modding later.


The Bosmer Armor Pack was a good addition and all, but those armors have a very Bosmer soldier at war type of style to them that doesnt fit all character types.


Sure - fur, leather, studded, and scaled work for any would-be scout/hunter type but Id love to see some culture-specific varieties.


I dont know if its the lack of interest or lack of inspiration, but having gotten into TESL again and picking up my Bosmer themed decktheres a good deal of potential there for MANY new armor and clothing options not just for Bosmer but all the races/cultures of the TES world.


ESO could also serve as a source of inspiration as well despite it being set nearly 1,000 years before Skyrim.


But please, more Bosmer themed lore-based armors/clothing/weapons are needed!

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