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She has requested that her mods don't get uploaded anywhere else, and so far her wish has been respected.

She has her own site, Slofs Hive, but has pulled her mods from there too. I think it is best to let sleeping spiders lie. However you're not the first person who has been looking for her mods, so at least her work is still appreciated.

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She's gone forever, and so are all of her mods. It's best to leave it be, as people often see continually asking for someone's work after they went through the trouble to remove it and ask it not to be redistributed as rude. All we can do is hope she has a change of heart someday, but given how many trollvoters there are and tactless people who don't realize that you don't have to voice your dislike of something just because you disagree with it, that's not very likely.


To the above, at least to my understanding, she didn't leave out of shame for her creations. She pulled them because she felt that the community who didn't seem to appreciate her or her work didn't deserve them, and out of frustration with the constant negativity from prudes and trolls. You're right to be bothered that others caused her to leave, though.

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