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Stainedbrain33 - BANNED

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Stainedbrain33 banned






Misuse of the report function (2 counts).


File report:

Report: This mod is something that "I" don't agree with and "I" don't support so therefore as with the pride-flag-removal-mod this should also be removed and the poster perma-banned right? You f***ing clowns and your radicalized double standards make me sick.


Profile report:

Posted Yesterday, 11:51 PM

Your site has some of the most degenerate s*** I've ever seen from the mod community but you're taking a absolute hardline stance on the Spiderman flag mod? It's a mod for a single player game that its use impacts/effects LITERALLY NO ONE but the user of said mod. So your gonna sit there and stand behind the nudity and lolicon mods prevalent on your site but changing the pixels of a flag in a game is somehow over the line? ARE YOU f***ing KIDDING ME?!?!?! I hope this stance and ideology costs you dearly. Get Woke, Get Broke. #f*#@ingClowns



Using these tools to submit harassing, redundant, or frivolous submissions, may result in administrative action. Please respect the time of our staff by only submitting reports that adhere to the following guidelines detailed below. Failure to do so may result in an inability to respond to your report.


Please, be aware that reports against staff are treated very seriously. Misleading and/or fraudulent reports of staff action are considered severe infractions of our guidelines and will result in respective administrative action against the user filing the report.



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