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wishihadaname - BANNED

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wishihadaname banned.




Reason for the ban


Piracy of Skyrim DLC:


wishihadaname, on 29 Oct 2013 - 10:01 PM, said:


In response to post #9840285. #9841300, #9851973, #9852304 are all replies on the same post.


ok thanks for clarifying. Guess mages are still going to decimate my companions but thank you for at least letting me control the pc vs npc fight times. I've got a less than legit version of dawnguard so I can't load in requiem into the creation kit, so one last question about dragons. What sort of edits should I make to them to create a leveled dragons patch for this mod? I don't want the fights to be easy per say, but I also do not like any approach that increases their already absurdly powerful attacks. More health and tactics is nice, but I really really don't like being force to stack enchanted gear just so I can progress in the main story. And like I said in the OP I disagree strongly with any one shot kill mechanics.



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