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Keywords with "Linked" in them, linking in general

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I've asked before but never really reached an understanding and maybe being more specific will help.

Can linking be done at runtime using scripts and will adding keywords (at that point) work to this end?

Or, does linking have to happen in CK and then will compile under the hood in a way that cannot be achieved with scripts?


Are there predefined links between objects native to the engine that can be leveraged without having to do cell and/or Form work in the editor?

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Creating and removing dynamic linked references at runtime are done all the time in script with SetLinkedRef.


There are a tonne of predefined linkerefs for many and vaired utility, look through the keywords list in CK.


Although if you dont understand EXACTLY how the base game uses a keyword it is best to use your own custom keyword.


Helps avoid overwriting the base game use of NUL/None/Blank keyword e.g. for actor idle links.

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