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GECK Crashes When Using Custom .Nifs


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mismatch version of NIF-files

we are talking about exported nif from 3dsmax/Blender right?


No, I mean I'm working with nifskope, and i attached a silencer to the combat shotgun and then I saved, fired up the geck (including my mod), and when I try to use the .nif, it just crashes.

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Would love to know what is causing this too. Tried to add a drum mag to a g36c and it just crashed GECK. Is there a tut on how to do this kindof thing succesfully?
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Would love to know what is causing this too. Tried to add a drum mag to a g36c and it just crashed GECK. Is there a tut on how to do this kindof thing succesfully?


I dunno I remember seeing somebody posting this quesiton somewhere else, but I was a nub back then and i had no intrest in modelling, but seeing how I'm trying to model now, it would be helpfull if I had an explination.

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you most likely messed up the nif files... sadly i cant be of help as long as you dont post exactly what you did...


All I did was I copied the branch of the silencer and pasted the branch on the "BSFadeNode", clicked on it, right clicked transform>edit and i moved it to the muzzle area.

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