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Help stabilizing my game?


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So basically,


This is what happens:


My game is crashing a lot, and not in the usual ways. It crashes once every 5 to 30 minutes, and I have no idea why.


-Ram problems? Nope, I have 6 gb of Ram and I've configured the NVConfigator to let the game take as much as it needs (I can post my Configator settings if it'll help!) usually it maxes it's RAM usage at 1.6 gb (no idea if that's normal or not).

-Cell loading? Maybe, but I don't know... It doesn't crash at every cell change, nor every few cell changes, it's either pretty random or it just crashes at SPECIFIC cells. If that's the case then I'm pretty sure it's not the only reason for the crashes: I've seen my game crash in a bunch of places that were pretty crash-safe moments earlier.

-Corrupted saves? Nope, Had it awhile ago, never trusted autosaves and quicksaves since. I CAN load my game up, I can play for a few minutes, never more than 20-30, but at least I've fixed all the startup crashes and stuff: they were related to missing master files (thank you Gopher)).


That leaves me no choice but to think that at least the majority of my crashes are related to... mod conflicts and load order problems.


And this is where I need help, because I have so many conflicts lighted up when I apply my filters in FNVEdit that it scares the living crap out of me. And yes, I'm just filtering for conflicts and critical conflicts.


What my game looks like:


- I have all the DLCs and the Pre Order Packs.

- I have the latest update.

- I use BOSS to set up my load order (but it does not recognize some of my plugins, 21 of them to be exact, they're the ones in orange in the load order below). And yes, Boss is up to date.

- I use FOMM to install my fomods, and everything else I installed manually (everything else being all the mods without fomod installation instructions).

- I use the NVConfigator to set up my options.

- From it, I launch the game using the 4gb nvse launcher.

- I have built a merged patch.

- I use Windows 7, if you want more computer specs just ask :)!


My load order:


[X] FalloutNV.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm
[X] ClassicPack.esm
[X] MercenaryPack.esm
[X] TribalPack.esm
[X] CaravanPack.esm
[X] More Perks.esm
[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm
[X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
[X] Tales from the Burning Sands.esm
[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
[X] WME - DLCs.esm
[X] WME - GRA.esm
[X] More Perks for Companions.esm
[X] More Traits.esm
[X] RustTownV1Master.esm
[X] More Perks for Dead Money.esm
[X] More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
[X] More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
[X] SomeguySeries.esm
[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm
[X] D.E.I.M.O.S..esm
[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
[ ] Strangers Abroad.esm
[ ] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
[X] oHUD.esm
[X] FalloutNV_lang.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
[X] Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
[X] Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
[X] MMUE POP.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp
[X] FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
[X] RockwellDescentMod.esp
[X] TheInheritance.esp
[X] More Perks Update.esp
[X] More Perks for Companions Update.esp
[X] More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
[X] More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
[X] More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
[X] More Traits Update.esp
[X] bzArmour.esp
[X] 1nivVSLArmors.esp
[X] AWOPDeadMoney.esp
[X] AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp
[X] AWOP-FOOK Weapon Patch [5.0] .esp
[X] AWOP-LowNPCSWastelandOnly.esp
[X] AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp
[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp
[X] UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp
[X] LeeEnfieldMkIII.esp
[X] Mateba.esp
[X] RagingBull.esp
[X] shogo_milton_the_roach.esp
[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp
[X] WME - FOOK.esp
[X] WME - GRA - Weapon Integration.esp
[X] WME - GRA - Vendor Reform.esp
[X] WME - GRA - Unique Integration.esp
[ ] WME - GRA - All Weapons.esp
[ ] WME - DLCs.esp
[X] WME - FOOK DLCs.esp
[X] WME - Ironsights - DLCs + GRA.esp
[X] RustTownAdditions3.esp
[X] WMEVE.esp
[X] Project Nevada - WME.esp
[X] 1nivPNSLPatch.esp
[X] Fellout.esp
[X] Fellout-OWB.esp
[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
[X] ILO - A World of Pain.esp
[X] ILO - Rust Town.esp
[X] friendofnightforfellout.esp
[X] WMEVE - FOOK.esp
[X] WME-AWOP-EVE Patch.esp
[X] MMUE-CP-Electrocity.esp
[X] FlashlightNVSE.esp
[X] Merge Patch.esp
[ ] ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp
[ ] ExtendedNVRadio.esp
[ ] WME - Ironsights - DLCs.esp
[ ] WME - Ironsights.esp
[ ] WME - Ironsights - GRA.esp
[ ] WME - GRA - Just Guns.esp
[ ] WME - GRA - Complete.esp
[ ] WME - GRA - Arenovalis.esp
[ ] WME - DLCs Arenovalis.esp
[ ] WME - Ironsights - HH.esp
[ ] EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp
[ ] EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp
[ ] Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
[ ] Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp
[ ] Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.esp
Again, the plugins in orange are the ones not recognized my BOSS.
SO, what I need is this:
Help. I have very little idea where to start. I have no idea which conflicts are really bad and which are just normal not-gamebreaking ones. I want to be able to play my game and my mods without crashes preventing me or stopping me every 10 minutes. I'll be happy if the game just crashes every 30-40 minutes WITHOUT breaking my saves. Seriously, I know the game engine is fickle, I just want to be able to play my game for at least a short while each time.
What am I doing wrong?
Further information:
I have filtered all my plugins for equal to master problems and have deleted all the equal to master records in FNVEdit.
The last crash I had was particularly suspicious: it seems that every time I try to approach the Devil's Gullet exterior cell, where I have to complete a quest for Frank, a AWOP vendor next to Goodsprings.
Please, if you can help me in any way, that'd be great :)
Thank you for reading this!
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I personally can't run my game with dynavision as it crashes every couple of minutes with it on. That may be a PC problem, I'm not sure. Try disabling the ones you can live without as well as any that are computer heavy like Dynavision, and see if it changes the amount that your computer crashes. It may be that your PC can't handle very graphic-heavy mods, but I may be wrong.


You could also try disabling the mods just a few at a time to see which ones are giving you the most problems, and try that way.

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Thanks guys! I have followed your suggestions BUT:


I get a crash on startup! The game loads, It even shows that little logo slideshow and the "Please Stand By" screen, then it goes into the main menu splash screen but before the menu buttons can come up it crashes.


Reinstalling Dynavision 3 fixed this O.o...

Could I have uninstalled it wrong? It comes as a fomod, I just deactivated it using FOMM!


So, I tried booting up my save with Dynavision 3 still on but with Rockwell deactivated and... it still crashes when I go near the Devil's Gullet.

I'm starting to think the problems' with my AWOP files, but even if it is, why could it be acting up there? Any ideas?


I guess I can live without AWOP, but it seems such a shame!


Gonna try to do the "deactivate mods bit by bit" thing tomorrow and see how that goes.


Edit: I think my computer can handle the graphic heavy mods I have. I mean, apart from the crashes, the game runs almost without any stuttering, real FPS-smoothness.

Edited by Velrogh
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