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*When* do you play Shivering Isles?


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  • 2 weeks later...
wait till lvl 23, that way you can have perfect madness/amber stuff crafted for you.



I'd recommend the same. I found that entering the Shivering Isles at a lower level is somewhat restrictive. All of the coolest items are much more readily available if you are at least lvl 20 when you enter the door.


It doesn't really matter what order you do any of the quests in the game. Personally I just wander around from city to city and place to place accepting whatever quests pique my interest at the time. I don't usually have a set pattern. With my first character I made it a point to complete the main quest first, then each of the guilds and Dark Brotherhood, then all the misc. and free-form quests. My second, third and now fourth characters have all been played randomly and I've found that it seems to make the game go by quicker when you try and do everything in a certain order.

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