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Wrist/Arm/Knuckle Mounted SMG or Similar


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You got it shooting? dam you good lol. what have you got it shooting exactly?


If FO3 was more like a FPS a crossbow would be useful weapon since it be generally 1 hit kill within reason due to the xbows long reload time.


But lets bot sidetrack and branch off from the original idea........yet lol


Cant beleive you got it firing alrdy, I envy you Modders. I'd love to be able to mod myself, the only thing I used to be able to make was websites from html but now I cant even do that because website creation involves java now lol.

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no thats not what we are looking for, we want to make a powerfist that shoots things.


here's a screeny:


i know thats there's some problems with it,


the flame in the air is easy fixed, i jsut havn't been bothered to move the projectile node on the gun yet, so the bullets are spawning away from the gun.


it has alot of clipping issues, im trying one way now, by embedding the weapon into my hand, (lol sounds painful) if that doesn't work i'll need to work with a skeleton +plus more to get it into the game, which i dotn really want to do

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Nope Thumb, sum1 posted that mod on my previous post. Revengous has got it smack on the moneywith his 2 models. its more of a knuckle/wrist mounted weapon, having it sit ontop/on the back of your hand. The one mod you just linked is a complte hand and forearm cover up. This hasn't been tried before I dont think and judging from some ppl's advice and help you have been offering(which is appreciated) a weapon hasn't been though up like this. :)


From what I can tell REv is doing a great job with it :)

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well i jsut had my first geck crash for the night, i beginning to think that this is harder than i expected.


i have another idea in getting it to work, which involves making it an armour, and when the armour is equiped an 'invisible' weapon is added and cant be removed.


if it was to put it in an armour form, what type of armour would you want? power armour?

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