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Actual combat detection by Player, how?


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Emm, sorry again for spam. Question really bothers me now, as i've tried all in my sight.


Meaning, how Player can be made aware by Conditions, that is found and will be attacked (i.e. really is in combat from now on untill condition expires), but skipping enemies search stage?


IsInCombat triggers instantly, when enemies start searching, GetCombatState == 1 doesn't help either. GetAttacked doesn't work. My latest big hope GetCombatVisualDetection doesn't work at all, and probably, GetCombatAudioDetection neither, but latter wouldn't be enough anyway. No idea what else. ps. GetDetected.., well, it requires an exact actor, inapplicable.


Searching randomly and constantly for enemies who already are targeting player is very excessive approach instead of one simple condition, though probably can be done by a huge cloak. Or something involving OnHit, though still ridiculously "heavy"..




ps. There should be something related in detection brackets mechanics, it knows exactly when in Caution or Danger, but how and what?

Edited by hereami
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