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just a thought. I kida figured it'd fit in with the whole hi tech but broke part-o-town.


are you going to have like an idustrial park or somthing like that in the slums? With maybe a crowd of desperete people working in crappy condidtions kinda like the pitt...but with a bar that plays blues...(shamless stevie ray vaughn plug)

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well I know your not looking to make this Mod THIS epic but still a nice one for some building ideas :D
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I read on the first couple of pages you were looking for ideas for a large corporation. I'm in the brainstorming proccess of a mid sized mod myself that fits right into that, the Valhalla Corporation. They're kind of a spin off of the Talon company I.E. an evil group of mercs. Valhalla is more high tec though, rivaling the enclave. They are a take on futuristic norse mythos, think Too Human. Their vertibird troopers are called Valkyries, they call their generals Aesir, and their main base is referred to as Asgard. Short version of their back story is that they're a company that thrived in secrecy after the war and are now resurfacing to conquer what's left of the world. If you want to adapt my creation and add it to your world I would be happy to colaborate with you. If you reply send me a PM too. I don't spend a huge amount of time here so I could miss it.


Peace out - Snake

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If it will always be raining, then perhaps there should be textures that make the ground and the buildings look wet using specular maps. Maybe even have it dripping down buildings like in Gears of War.


I really like where this is going, and I'd like to help. I can join the project once I get my new computer, which should be sometime next weekend. I'm ace at texturing, and okay at modeling, so I will start doing a lot of neon stuff as soon as I can.


By the way, here's that glow map tut mentioned earlier.


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I'm a big fan of postapoca and cyberpunk. But cyberpunk does not really fit in a wasteland.



I think that if done right it should be ok hehe besides, no one is saying it has to be lore friendly :D

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I think it fits in...just not neatly. I personaly think it's kinda the eqevalent of a small towner going to the big city for the first time....just a very violent small town...with super mutants.


Oh and riven....Love the eye mod collection. Kickass work.

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Okay, so there is obviously a lot of things you could re-texture and use.


I think this mod has a lot more potential that most people think.



I made a little noodle stand for concept.





Back door:









I retextured the ground and the buildings.

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