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TYPE3 Merc


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ok here is the deal, when i used the mod that re-meshed the raider armor(vanilla) to use the type 3 body(thank you dimon) i could open the geck and mix and match the parts from the different raider armors,

by layering them as add ons and null textured the parts not needed/wanted, almost like the tailor maid mod.

i was wondering if some could allow me to do the same with the merc armors (charmer, cruiser ect.) and maybe a mod that lets me do so with all vanilla armors.

to be clear what im looking for is a way to take say the trench coat from cruiser the skirt from charmer the boots from grunt and make a suit of armor from those parts. as it stands i can not do so, do to the fact that the entire mesh is in one texture(if i try to null tex it the whole armor disappears)

Edited by Bahamut12th
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Don't be alarmed that your post didn't seem to get any views... It seems that ever since the forums went through a remodeling awhile back that the number of views on posts is only ever changed when someone actually replies to that post. It no longer appears to count the number of people that simply read the message and moved on! Hopefully, they'll get around to fixing that one of these days - would be nice.


Sorry I can't help you with your problem though. Just thought I'd let you know about the view thing so you didn't think you were just being ignored or something! :)

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