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Best way to Clone Skyrim Heightmap?


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I'm looking to create a new worldspace to mess and around and try some new mods/mod practice in. I would like it to use the Tamriel worldspace (i.e. the Skyrim) heightmap though. I've never really touched the heightmap stuff before so I'm fairly new to it. I tried to use the in-CK export and import options in the hightmap editor. I had hoped to load up the Tamriel worldspace, export it out and then simply re-import it to my new worldspace, but CK would crash every time.


Does anybody know the simplest way to import Skyrim's heightmap into a new worldspace? I'm gathering that Photoshop is necessary. Can I just find a skyrim heightmap on google, drop it into Photoshop and then import it over? I'm not very familiar with Photoshop either but I like the idea of messing around in a new blank Skyrim worldspace.


Any tips or help is welcomed.



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