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Is there a mod which allows you to keep 2-handed weapons on your back


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edit: didn't realize the title was too long >.< It was Is there a mod which allows you to keep 2-handed weapons on your back whilst you cast spells/use a torch?

Pretty self explanatory title, but I've been looking for something like this all night and haven't got anywhere..

Basically - my character is a mage, I virtually never use a weapon, just spells all the way. I usually carry around a quarterstaff ('cus that's how I imagine mages) - and it looks ace when my character is running around in robes and a cool staff on my back - but it's SO annoying when it disappears from my back whenever I equip any spells (or a torch, or anything) in my hands.

Surely there's a mod which will allow me to cast spells and still see a staff (or two-handed-sword, or whatever) on my back?


if there's really no such mod, is it possible to relatively easily add a permanent quarterstaff to my back, using the CK, that doesn't necessarily do anything, just sits on my back looking magey?




Hope this has been understandable, it's sort of hard to explain what I mean! But thanks for reading - any info would be appreciated ^^

Edited by Uncumber
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You can make this happen through an ini edit. First, you must locate your Skyrim.ini. It will be located in something like C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim. It is not in your Skyrim Steam install folder. Once you have located it, open Skyrim.ini, and under the [General] section, add the line "bDisableGearedUp=0". Then, simply favorite the things that you wish to appear equipped. Even if you have something else equipped (spells, torch, etc), the weapons that are added to the favorites will still be displayed on the character.


It does have some slight limitations though. You can only display one weapon of each type (for example, cannot have multiple daggers displayed). Also, there is a bug with swapping between favorited weapons without first sheathing them, where you appear to be holding more weapons in you hand than you should be. To avoid this, simply sheath a weapon before switching to another. If you encounter this, simply unfavorite the weapon, and then favorite it again.

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