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Advanced scripting question


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I'm trying to make smooth transition between two position coordinates, and as far as i see - there's no easy ways to make it. It's not superimportant for my mod, but it will make it much better. I'm perfectionist, and i can't just leave it as it is.

I want to move Player from one X + Y coord to other X + Y coord, but smoothly, without teleportation.

Basic script looks like this:

        set Angle to ObjectRef.GetAngle Z
        set sine to (sin Angle)
        set cosi to (cos Angle)
        set Dist to -50
        set CoordX to ObjectRef.GetPos X + (Dist * sine)
        set CoordY to ObjectRef.GetPos Y + (Dist * cosi)
        Player.SetAngle Z Angle
        Player.SetPos X CoordX
        Player.SetPos Y CoordY

Maybe it can be made with timer, something like this?

if timer == 0.1
  set coordX to (CoordX + 1)
  Player.SetPos X CoordX
elseif timer == 0.2
  set coordX to (CoordX + 1)
  Player.SetPos X CoordX
elseif timer == 0.3
  set coordX to (CoordX + 1)
  Player.SetPos X CoordX
Edited by Xilandro
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This is how I'd do it:

float	fSpeed
float	fPlayerX
float	fPlayerY
float	fDiffX
float	fDiffY
float	fDist
float	fStepX
float	fStepY
float	fAux
short	bInit
short	iFrames

begin GameMode

	if bInit
		set bInit to 0
		set fSpeed to 100

		set fPlayerX to player.GetPos X
		set fPlayerY to player.GetPos Y
		set fDiffX to ObjectRef.GetPos X - fPlayerX
		set fDiffY to ObjectRef.GetPos Y - fPlayerY
		set fAux to (Pow fDiffX 2) + (Pow fDiffY 2)
		set fDist to Pow fAux 0.5
		set iFrames to (fDist / fSpeed) * 60
		set fStepX to fDiffX / iFrames
		set fStepY to fDiffY / iFrames

	if iFrames
		set iFrames to iFrames - 1
		set fPlayerX to fPlayerX + fStepX
		set fPlayerY to fPlayerY + fStepY
		player.SetPos X fPlayerX
		player.SetPos Y fPlayerY


You initialize the sequence by setting bInit to 1, after you have positioned ObjectRef.


Set fSpeed to the distance (in game units) you want the player to move in one second. In this example, it is 100 gu/sec. Obviously, you will have to test it in-game and tweak it.


Note that if this is to be a part of a quest script, you need to set the Script Processing Delay to 0.016.

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Works like a charm. Added angle X and Z calculation as well.

And script is pretty huge =) Thanks again. Here's the result.


Seems like angle transition breaks the script if difference between angles is small =(

int Dist
float X
float Y
float TempX
float TempY
float ang
float sine
float cosi
ref ObjectRef
float DiffX
float DiffY
float DistU
float StepX
float StepY
float Aux
int Frames
float DiffAngZ
float DiffAngX
float DistAng
float StepAngZ
float StepAngX
float AuxAng
int FramesAng
float Speed
int bInit

Begin GameMode

	if Action
		set bInit to 1
		XMarkerRef.MoveTo ObjectRef
		set ang to ObjectRef.GetAngle Z
		set sine to (sin ang)
		set cosi to (cos ang)
		set DistU to -30
		set X to ObjectRef.GetPos X + (DistU * sine)
		set Y to ObjectRef.GetPos Y + (DistU * cosi)
		XMarkerRef.SetPos X X
		XMarkerRef.SetPos Y Y
		XMarkerRef.SetAngle Z Ang
		XMarkerRef.SetAngle X 10

	if bInit
		set bInit to 0
		set Speed to 100
		set TempX to player.GetPos X
		set TempY to player.GetPos Y
		set AngZ to player.GetAngle Z
		set AngX to player.GetAngle X
		set DiffX to XMarkerRef.GetPos X - TempX
		set DiffY to XMarkerRef.GetPos Y - TempY
		set DiffAngZ to XMarkerRef.GetAngle Z - AngZ
		set DiffAngX to XMarkerRef.GetAngle X - AngX
		set Aux to (Pow DiffX 2) + (Pow DiffY 2)
		set AuxAng to (Pow DiffAngZ 2) + (Pow DiffAngX 2)
		set Dist to Pow Aux 0.5
		set DistAng to Pow AuxAng 0.5
		set Frames to (Dist / Speed) * 60
		set FramesAng to (DistAng / Speed) * 60
		set StepX to DiffX / Frames
		set StepY to DiffY / Frames
		set StepAngZ to DiffAngZ / FramesAng
		set StepAngX to DiffAngX / FramesAng

	if Frames
		set Frames to Frames - 1
		set TempX to TempX + StepX
		set TempY to TempY + StepY
		player.SetPos X TempX
		player.SetPos Y TempY

	if FramesAng
		set FramesAng to FramesAng - 1
		set AngZ to AngZ + StepAngZ
		set AngX to AngX + StepAngX
		player.SetAngle Z AngZ
		player.SetAngle X AngX

Edited by Xilandro
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Doing the same thing with angles is a bit more tricky, especially with the Z angle, which ranges 0 to 180, then -179.9999 to -0.0001 (clockwise), not 0 to 359.9999.


Can you elaborate a little what you're trying to accomplish?

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which ranges 0 to 180, then -179.9999 to -0.0001 (clockwise), not 0 to 359.9999.

didn't know. Dat engine...



Can you elaborate a little what you're trying to accomplish?


Yes. I will send you PM.

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