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some doors not opening


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while playing the game i came across some doors that don't work. so far its been just ruin fort doors. like the blueblood door. it just wont let me in. and there was another at the place with the blind monks(forgot the name) were i could get in but not out. it wouldn't bother me so much but its happening to places that are quest related. thieves/mages gild quests.


please help thank you.

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So, you don't need a key for these doors and they aren't doors that aren't supposed to open?

I don't know.

I have a problem with my game crashing when I try to enter the Tiber Septim hotel though. Really strange. The Tiber Septim hotel wants nothing to do with my character so they ban her by crashing the game. Lol.

Well, I never go in there much anyway, no biggie.


Anyway, make sure you don't need a key and I think with the Blink Monk mission they intentionally don't let you out because they wanted you to use a different exit to escape from. Hint: the fireplace. (I'm pretty sure that's what it was.) Hope this helps.

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If you are talking about the animation bug that comes in at 225 hrs.

then the following may help.

From the UOP read me - zBobGuy's Animation Fixer.


ALSO - Below - from Wrye Bash

Repair Abomb • Fixes "Abomb" animation slowing by resetting the TesClass Abomb counter to 0x41000000 (or float 8.0).


• "Abomb Animation Slowing" is a slowing a of animations that typically appears around 225 hours into the game (though it may occur earlier or later). Effects are that many animations (spell effects, burning fires, opening/closing doors) have noticeably stop action effects, even while the rest of the scene is rendered normally. In fact the problem is worse in areas with high frame rates (e.g., simple interiors). This is presumably a bug with the game engine, probably something with thread prioritization for animations.


• The trigger for animation slowing seems to be the last four bytes of the TesClass data chunk in the save file. These bytes apparently represent a float value, which increments steadily with game play (on my machine advancing at about 2/3 of game seconds played). When the counter crosses a certain threshold (0x49000000), the animation slowing kicks in suddenly. The fix seems to be to simply reset this counter to an early value (0.0 would probably work. I use 8.0 or 0x41000000).


• There have been some reports of related problems with animations (dying wraiths not dropping properly) and physics collisions. Also, some have reported problems showing up before 0x49000000. However, there is clearly a substantial change as the counter crosses 0x490000, and the reported physics problems have been seen earlier in the game and so may be unrelated.


• For more discussion see: ESForums: Slow/Frozen Doors.

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thank for ur input but no good. its not the hour thing cuz im only like 16 hours into the game. these are doors that don't need keys. but there was one that did. the gray prince quest. but i got the key from him but still doesn't work. or it a door that doesn't need a key at all. but still doesn't let me in. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled it like 2 times before. would that cause problems?
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these r the mods. they load in this order


CM Partners.esm

Kvatch Rebuilt.esm


KOE Item Multiplier.esp

No psychic guards v1.2.esp


Living Economy - Items.esp

Living Economy - SI.esp



FF7 Blades Complete.esp

Kvatch Rebuilt.esp




Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp

Training Cave.esp

SMYB Love Female Only.esp

SMYB Female Only.esp


Tyrael Armor.esp


Portable Hole Revisited 2.0.esp

Colourwheels Sexy Bank.esp



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Oblivion esm at the top-

Then Kvatch esm and then CM esm, but these two may not be critical.


SI first esp -

I would probably put the Kvatch Rebuilt esp. next, but don't have it so...


Don't know if the above will help with the doors, but they should be corrected.


First move Obliviln esm to the top, and correct SI, and see how things go.

After that the only possibilities I see for problems after the above maybe

the Scary Castles and Training cave, but I don't have them.

I might be inclined to put these after Kvatch Rebuilt, but first disable them and see what happens.

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:wallbash: still happening. i reordered everything. and tried deactivating mods to c if they caused the problem. but that didn't help.


while playing i noticed that the doors i have problems with. a door that's supposed to be a too way door like( door to " ") say (exit to " ")

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