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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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My vote goes to the part of "Walking with Spirits" right after you get the seeds. Total acid trip, minus the acid.
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  gsmanners said:
Dead creatures can sometimes be found dead minus the usual rag doll animations. I've been noticing that since the 1.4 patch.


if you type "tcl" in the console, then the ragdoll physics get stopped, and enemies freeze in bizarre positions

its rare for it to happen naturally, but way cooler

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When I started playing FO3 I came across a power plant, and decided to have a look inside. I opened up a door, and as soon as it opens a "Glowing One" jumps out and kills me.


I had never seen one before, so yeah, that was really creepy.

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I was in The Pitt and i heard noises and my radar thing said that it was in front of me and then it just vanished and all of a sudden i got attacked from behind me, i turn around and there is a Trog in mid-air right in my face.


Scared the crap out of me and i blew his head off lol

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I have to admit the creepiest thing that happened to me had to be when I first played this mod, I can't remember the actual mod I just remember it was a bomb shelter in Minefield. I had just finished up with all of the flashbacks and watching him kill his wife and kids. Well, I get out and head up out of the cellar and BAM! The man and Rex are right there at the top of the stairs. I screamed and sat there bashing his head in with my bat. Later I drug him upstairs and put him in his bed. Another thing, in the same area was when I go into a house, go upstairs and there's two skeletons in a bed.I think if you've seen it you'll get it. But the thing is, they were on top of each other, facing the bottom of the bed, if you get me.
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Travelling the Wasteland at night and seeing a horde of Night Ghouls pattering towards you. Good grief, that's terrifying. Gotta love MMM with Increased Increased Increased Spawns.


Oh yeah, and then seeing some Ghouls I thought were dead getting back up. That's a real frightener as well.

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in Dunwich building, I just killed a pack of ghouls, and as I walked over the corpse of one of them to check out a little room......

then it jumped back up *dramatic music*

took me a sec to realize what had happened, I thought it was a physics bug or something

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