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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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Once I was in... it was some power plant. DogMeat was with me, keeping me "safe" (stupid dog...) and I entered. There was one little radroach so I killed it with my sileneced 10mm pistol. Then I saw this door, and behind it my radar sai there was a lot of enemies. Thinking they were just radroaches, I opened the door. and... BAMMM! Theres 20 ghouls in my face. This was on my PS3 version, so there wasnt like MMM on or anything, but it scared the crap outta me. I ran out the building, and kept running. I turned to see they were STILL behind me (sadly dogmeat died... hehehe) and I ran even further. Then I came across a gang of Super mutants and led the ghouls to them. I got out of site. I came back and there was one mutant left. I shot it in the head and walked on...


Fresh thinking in the face of pants-sh*tting terror, very nice!

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Subway station (I forget which). Directional pipboy light mod on as well as that one that cuts out the ambiant light. I'm there, in the dark, with just a little circle of light around me from the overhead light. Everything else is pitch black, minus where I shine my light. I think I had a hunting rifle out at the time. Everything was going great.


Until the ghouls came.



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The first time I played the game through I didn't know about the pipboy light and I went into the Dunwitch building. I couldn't see a damn thing but I could hear ferals running around and making that "going to eat your spleen like an apple" noise. Then they started appearing out of the dark 4 feet in front of me while I was in 1st person.


Also things always creep up on me in the wasteland and attack as soon as I turn around. I hate that.

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I was about level 19 character and I was making my way from Little Lamplight to Girdershade. In the distance a lot of red ticks appeared on my compass. Using my rifle scope I checked out what was going on and I saw some raiders battling a Giant Radscorpion. I decided to pick off the Raiders one by one to get some extra XP before annihilating the Giant Radscorpion. As the last raider fail, the scorpion started crawling towards me. But it seemed it was bringing along its friends and family. About five or six Giant Radscorpions were hurtling towards me. I didn't have the Grim Reaper's Sprint yet, so my Action Points were rapidly depleted and I had to contend with one seriously injured scorpion and five others that didn't suffer too much damage. Furthermore, there was a long ridge behind me -I had crouched leapt from it earlier on and now it was blocking my escape route. So after my painful demise the game reloaded my last save and this time I only had one rad scorpion to deal with. Just to be on the safe side, I let it deal with the raiders and then I took it out with a couple of blasts from the victory rifle. Victory at last.

That was some freakish encounter. One of those moments that I wished I had turned on Fraps to record the scene.

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It was the first time I went to the hospital, holy saint mary of good hope or whatever it's called.

I walked in and saw a red dot on the radar, but did not see anything.

However, I heard something and thought "aha, a radroach".


So I started exploring a bit, minding my own things, and when I turned around I had a Centaur 'bout 10 feet behind me, sneeking up on me like

a bad breath.


I jumped so hard I actually twisted a muscle in my neck wich gave me pains for a week after.

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i was in the dunwich building. sound was off... i got the blurry hit screen, truned around, turned on the sound as i did, and what did i get?

too loud volume, and a feral ghoul screaming with it's face about half a foot from mine

i nearly wet myself

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lol the ghouls from MMM get me once in a while to; I started blowing their heads off after i killed them to make them stay down after a while

thats what headshots are for



vault... 87 i think it is... with the garys... i had nightmares that night... SCARY S***



(sorry for two posts)

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one time i running from my bomb shelter in Springvale to the Shopmart, and was near the area where you encounter Bryan Wilkes. suddenly, the headless, limbless body of a raider fell from the sky and landed on the ground in front of me. i did not hear any shots or explosions, there were no bodyparts and no blood. no clue what happened to the raider or where it came from.





also i just saw a FO3 video on youtube where a LW at the 10th birthday party shot Officer Gomez with the BB gun, and then when Gomez started to run towards the player the Mysterious Stranger appeared and blasted the poo out of Gomez and killed him.

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I was strolling about D.C. one day when I uncovered a room underneath a bridge. It seemed pretty basic, as it had a feral ghoul inside, but then once I walked downstairs I found a bunch of corpses with plungers in areas where the sun don't shine. The only good thing I got from this adventure was a bit of tasty strange meat. Yum...
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