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Assassin/Fida'i Armor


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I was looking for some realistic looking assassin clothing/armor and couldn't ever find what I was looking for. I really want something that the historical assassins or even assassins in Europe would use. The leather armor in Skyrim and the armors provided by mods never suited my tastes. So what I really want is this: a short sleeved shirt/tunic, possibly made of a silk or linen type material, that's all black with silver or ash grey trimming on the sleeves where the arms emerge from the shirt, ash grey trousers, a brown leather belt on the waist, black leather boots and gauntlets (those could be taken and retextured from the Linwe armor set, and the default leather gauntlets might do well) with a matching black cloak and hood. I would really like two identical-in-appearance sets, one light armor and the other just clothing, all unenchanted. I would also like, if it's doable, the armor to level up with you, so to speak, starting at just slightly better than the armor you can get at that level, and each time you level, the armor improves in armor rating so it's still slightly better than anything you can get that's not enchanted. This would kind of be like how the Needle Sword mod works only with armor and not weapons. Thank you for your time and I would love to hear back from you guys. If the armor is not picked up by anyone, I will try to make it myself and upload it to both the Nexus and Skyrim Workshop.

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