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Miraak's Sword SkyRe rebalance


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This is a rather easy one but I suck at modding and Creation Kit keeps crashing on me... So, thing is, I want to use Miraak's Sword as my main weapon, but it's base attack on Exquisite barely exceeds the damage of unupgraded Dawnbreaker. I was thinking of re-adjusting it's attack values in Creation Kit but maybe there's a way to do it via ReProccer, which I have no idea how to do either. To keep things simple, could anyone just make it so that Miraak's Sword's base attack is, and scales the same way as a regular daedric sword? Maybe even a tad bit higher, since it's already enchanted with drain stamina spell, making it impossible to get higher DPS via elemental enchantments. Preferably, make it somehow compatible with SkyRe. Thanks.

Edited by zaxrider
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