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Navmesh / pathfinding problems


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Thanks for the suggestions. I've fixed the door unlocking issue, and am still following up on the preferred pathing.


The teleporting NPC issue is a weird one. It happens whenever the player leaves the cell and comes back. No one has any AI package that tells them to go anywhere near the pens, but they ALL teleport to the same one when it happens. I've got it fixed right now, by making a connection between the pen navmeshes and the main navmesh, small enough that the NPCs don't walk in between the two, but it still seems like a workaround, rather than an actual solution. There ARE cells that have multiple separate navmeshes (vault101d for example) so it's got to be possible...

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the suggestions. I've fixed the door unlocking issue, and am still following up on the preferred pathing.


The teleporting NPC issue is a weird one. It happens whenever the player leaves the cell and comes back. No one has any AI package that tells them to go anywhere near the pens, but they ALL teleport to the same one when it happens. I've got it fixed right now, by making a connection between the pen navmeshes and the main navmesh, small enough that the NPCs don't walk in between the two, but it still seems like a workaround, rather than an actual solution. There ARE cells that have multiple separate navmeshes (vault101d for example) so it's got to be possible...



Alright, I will join this thead as I am encountering this problem in two cells now, one exterior and one interior.


The navmesh data is showing no errors - everything is fine. The navmesh has been finalized, portal-triangles have been set and all border-vertices are lining up. Now in the beginning everything works fine ingame, till you leave and re-enter. After that, it seems that the navmesh has gone missing completly. All NPC's are place at a (random choosen) position, mostly an xmarker. Aipackages are worthless as NPC's can't navigate anymore.


I've spent ours on trying to find the issue for this. It hasn't much to do with the complexity of the navmesh, nor if different, unconnected navmesh are present. I deleted ALL objects (one by one) to find a possible mesh-reated cause. I ended up with an empty cell (collision markers as floor), a very simple navmesh and the error still occured. I deleted the simplified-test navmesh using the drop-down menu "remove cell navmeshes", created a new simple one... and it was working: No NPC was teleported anymore, anyone was staying at their position, even I left and re-entered the cell a couple of times. Great.. fixed!


I re-created a new more complex navmesh, related to my cell and ingame... the error was back! :wallbash:


Hell, I have no idea and it's ruining everything. What's going on?

Edited by portbash
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I have the same problem as Portbash. Built by hand Navmesh works fine, but only until the moment leave and re-enter into the cell again. After this Navmesh (built in a mod) disappears completely, there remains only the original.

Please help to resolve the matter.

Edited by AYgrik
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I had this same problem at my bunker. Luckily, I had just made one small change to my navmesh when it appeared so I knew exactly what was causing the problem. Here is a brief description of what it was:


Flat floor and a bed. I wanted NPCs to walk across the top of the bed so I placed a navmesh across the top then linked that to the floor navmesh with triangles. I am not sure if the angle up was greater than 45 degrees or not but this is when I first noticed the problem. NPCs refused to path properly after the change (spawned in weird places, didnt use doors, got stuck in floors, etc) so I deleted the triangles connecting the floor to the bed but left the navmesh on top of the bed alone. NPCs would then always spawn on my bed! Deleting the navmesh on the bed solved the problem completely.

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I solved the problem! All it turned out, you do not believe in ... door. I put the building in the outer cell. Built in this cell navmesh. This building have a simple door (it leads nowhere, just a door with an animation). Everything worked until you re-enter in a cell.

If re-enter navmesh disappears. I removed the navmesh by parts and noticed that everything is stabilized when I remove the triangles are located under the door. After I removed the door everything worked as it should!

And by the way, I noticed that Bethesda probably met this problem too. Near the Clinic Freeside stands building in which there is the same door (in which lies a sniper rifle with the door closed), navemesh bypasses these doors! I dont know how NPC should react to it, but navmesh absent.

Thank resignator, it gave me hope that everything can be corrected.

Edited by AYgrik
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I tweaked my navmesh to avoid all doors. Error still occured. After that I deleted ALL doors - and the problem was gone. I'm going to investigate further to keep my doors, but's there is light at the end of the tunnel!


Nice work AYgrik, kudo to you! :thumbsup:


I solved the problem! All it turned out, you do not believe in ... door. I put the building in the outer cell. Built in this cell navmesh. This building have a simple door (it leads nowhere, just a door with an animation). Everything worked until you re-enter in a cell.

If re-enter navmesh disappears. I removed the navmesh by parts and noticed that everything is stabilized when I remove the triangles are located under the door. After I removed the door everything worked as it should!

And by the way, I noticed that Bethesda probably met this problem too. Near the Clinic Frisayd stands building in which there is the same door (behind 2 other mines), navemesh bypasses these doors! I dont know how NPC should react to it, but navmesh absent.

Thank resignator, it gave me hope that everything can be corrected.

Edited by portbash
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It makes no sense! :confused:


I sorted out two door objects that are causing the problem: A (CLFenceGate01) and a (BathroomStallDoor01), basically all doors that don't have a teleport data.


If I remove these doors, everything works. What makes me wondering is the fact that this are regular door objects used by Bethesda all over Fallout without teleport data and no avoiding navmesh....


AYgrik, where exacly is that Bethesda example you were talking about, I would like to take a look at it.





I deleted & restored a complete different door and forgot to relink the teleport data. The problem diddn't occur - even there was this door without teleport data...


I'm currently replacing the no-teleport doors with scripted door emulating activators... *grrr*


Edit/Update 2:

Ya, I managed to get rid of this problem in an indoor cell by replaced all doors without teleport data.


The problem still exits in two of my exterior cells with no doors without teleport data. removing them for testing, wasn't the solution either...


this is absurt btw...

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  • 3 weeks later...

2.) Some of my npc will randomly disappear and reappear somewhere else in the cell, usually in a separate navmesh that is an animal pen (made it a separate navmesh because when it was connected to the rest of the level the animals would just walk through the fences). No idea why they're doing this...


Maybe I got a solution for this problem...

My (interior) cell also got 2 separate navmeshes and all of the NPCs were spawning in the one of the navmeshes which the other navmesh was completely without enemies. What more - there were spawning enemies I didn't add to my cell at all - the Robobrains, Protectrons and Radscorpions just keeps spawning from nowhere. I was thinking it was a navmesh problem and tried many things to solve it. But since I removed from my cell all LEVELED creatures the problem was gone.

I don't know if anybody got the same problem as me or it'll solve all the issues but I think it's worth a try. And don't forget to reply if it was helpful or not.

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