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Recommended Mods ?


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Hi guys,


after a very long time i installed oblivion again and thats because of deadly reflex it looks kind of cool so i decided to give it a try, But i really dont know how to start with mods that means, which mod should i download, which mods are great?.


I want the following things in that game:


- NPC's should look good with better faces and skins etc.


- My own character should look good as well with a good manly skin (would be nice to have more muscles etc. in that case)


- Landscapes and the whole world should have better textures.


- Something like new/better/HQ weapons would be also nice to have.


- And finally you should able to cut everything from the body with extremely high gore!


Well, thats it. Would be glad to get some mod recommendations in this case.



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NPC and Player faces : Oblivion Character Overhaul does that pretty greatly, to some extents. (for example, it makes khajiit actually look like something, which is already a feat.)


Robert's Male/Female bodies are pretty useful to get the muscly look on both genders.


As for textures, if your computer is competent enough, there's Oblivion Graphics Overhaul and Quarl's Texture Packs, which are unfortunately very performance-heavy.

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Wrye Bash hands down. The others are either outdated or not designed to work with Oblivion mods that were out several years ago. Wrye Bash is not complicated at all if you know where to look for guide. Search Nexus for Pictorial Guide and also check out http://tescosi.com/wiki/Main_Page.

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