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How do I find this file?


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OK so in order to fix a bug I have to edit a file but I dont know where it is maybe some one can help tell me where I have to look.


Here it says for me to................


go into C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Local\Black_Tree_Gaming\NexusClient.exe_Url_alphanumericgarbage\YourNMMVersion, open user.config with a text editor (notepad++).

(if AppData should show up, just type it in the address bar)
Search for:
setting name="QueuedModsToAdd" serializeAs="Xml"
delete anything between (and including) <KeyedSettingsOfAddModDescriptor> and </KeyedSettingsOfAddModDescriptor>
replace it with:
<KeyedSettingsOfAddModDescriptor />
save it.



How do I do this?


Thanks its to fix nmm so I need this if I want to mod because I dont want to use the manual installer unless I have to.

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I think you may need a basic how to use a computer course. What he gave you is called a path - which is very precise directions to where to find a specific file. If you don't know how to follow a path, then you will be lost anytime you have to find a file or do anything with a file - such as move, copy or edit. If you don't yet even know what a path is, I wouldn't recommend even trying to edit a file. I'm sure you have a friend that knows something about computers, have them do it for you - and show you what they are doing as they do it.


Here is a link to a very basic file structure teaching site - you can do this in a short time and have a much better idea of what you are doing.It's kind of old, but is the simplest I could find in a short time. http://www.bellcrest.net/Tutorials/filestructure.html :thumbsup:

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I think you may need a basic how to use a computer course. What he gave you is called a path - which is very precise directions to where to find a specific file. If you don't know how to follow a path, then you will be lost anytime you have to find a file or do anything with a file - such as move, copy or edit. If you don't yet even know what a path is, I wouldn't recommend even trying to edit a file. I'm sure you have a friend that knows something about computers, have them do it for you - and show you what they are doing as they do it.


Here is a link to a very basic file structure teaching site - you can do this in a short time and have a much better idea of what you are doing.It's kind of old, but is the simplest I could find in a short time. http://www.bellcrest.net/Tutorials/filestructure.html :thumbsup:

I found it out I know what the path was but appdata was hidden so I found out how to un hide it and it was smooth sailing from there hope changing the code turns out ok.


Thanks anyways

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