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Failed to install dependency


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Do you know which of these "10 to 20" mods failed? If so, you'll need to visit their mods pages and determine which dependencies they require, then install them.


One way or another, it boils down to "you need to install the dependencies"


ex: suppose you installed CBBE-3BA. Afaik it requires CBBE, CBPC, HDT-SMP, Papayrus, and XP32 skeleton. Without those dependencies (called "requirements" at nexus) installed first, a dependency error (or multiple) will be flagged.


Mod pages at Nexus include (in most cases) a "requirements" tab. A mod's dependencies, aka "requirements" are listed in this tab. (sometimes they're alternatively noted in the description (or even both in some cases).


Offsite sources (for instance Lover's lab) usually list dependencies in their respective mod descriptions


As a rule of thumb, if a mod requires a mod, and that mod requires another mod ...etc, the last link in that dependency chain should be installed first, then the next, then the next, until you get to the mod you originally wanted to install.




Mod A requires Mod B. Mod B requires Mod C. Mod C requires Mod D. (Mod D has no dependencies)


1. install mod D

2. Then install mod C

3. Then install mod B

4. Then install Mod A


(and yes, they can go that deep. I recall the first time I had to tunnel in order to install something. I don't' recall what that something was, but it was four levels deep)


PS> I have no idea whether the dependencies are included in the collection or not (nor honestly do I care, no offense intended), but afaik, and ime, the order of installation is important.

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So then, you solved your issue?


Personally, I have 486 mods installed. Some of those (probably on the order of a dozen or more) are quite large, well in excess of 500Mb (edit: and to be clear many of those ~dozen having extensive dependency lists). I do not receive any flags except for a DLL error (old mod, contains one animation speed control DLL that does nothing in SE - apparently works in LE though - but the error is harmless in SE, as long as you don't attempt to use the speedcontrol utility) I haven't bulk installed anything, and I've been careful to ensure that all my dependencies are accounted for.

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