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Plasma Projectiles


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I've tried for many hours to change the color of the plasma proctile model using nifscope, but I can't quite seem to do it. I can make the projectile itself blue like the alien blaster projectile, but the trailing tendrils remain green. If anyone could help me with this, I would be eternally grateful.
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i just had a quick look, there are 2 material colour options, have you tried changing both of them? when i changed both of them the outer green sphere/square changed to blue, while a small green square was left in the middle (the texture i guess)


just search through the entire nif for all colour changing options and change them\


hope it helped, it looks confusing lol

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I've changed all colors that can be changed including vertice colors accessible through the block details section. The vertices in the particle system section cannot be changed (at least I can't figure out how to change them.) The tendrils remain green.


Thanks for your help though.

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