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Request for a peg board


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Basically, I am looking for someone to make a peg board so that my armory mod looks more realistic. I am looking for the kind of peg board that people hang tools from in workshops for example. I think that weapons hanging on it would look a lot better than just hanging on a blank wall. If i was any good at texturing and implementing textured items in the game itself I would have done it long ago. The easiest avenue to do it would be to use that one black carpet with all the holes in it as the mesh and simply give it a light brown hew, and down size it a bit so that the holes are smaller. If anyone is willing to help me out with this, I am willing to pay an assistance fee using Paypal for the help. Like I said, I would have done it myself, but I suck at texturing. My main addy is [email protected] if anyone feels like doing this for me and sending it to me. Someone PLEASE help me out with this lol.
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