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Request for implementing a Steyr Aug model I've got (will pay thro


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I came across a publicly usable unliscensed model for a custom Steyr Aug, but I dont even know where to begin with it in NifSkope. It already has a UV Map, so all it needs is a texture and a stint in NifSkope, both of which I am totally clueless in lol. Anyone who is willing to lend me a hand in this will recieve a retainer fee through Paypal if requested or interested. The only condition is that it must totally function in the game world. PLEASE someone help me out here, the model I have is absolutely mind blowing and I have been pulling my friggin hair out trying to get it into the game itself. My main addy is [email protected] for anyone who is interested and has any questions. And I am dead serious about the Paypal thing, I will pay REAL ACTUAL coin to anyone who helps me get this project off the ground. Now I am not saying I will fork out hundreds of dollars, but the payment will be substantial for the amount of work and assistance put into it.
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As long as your not too worried about the reload animations, you should find someone willing to help for coin. However I would do a search for tutorials beforehand.
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