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Helgen Keep Crash


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I am crashing at helgen keep, before I had a lot of wierd stuff happen because of the alternate start mod, but now thats uninstall, and as far as I now nothing else messes with it, does any one else have this problem and solved it, cause I saw a few post saying the same thing on the alternate start mod.

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Is this on a completely new save game so that you have started from the very beginning, on the cart intro into Helgen?


If not and it's a save game from example the character creation stage and Alternate Start was installed at that point, Alternate start uses scripts and even if you uninstall a mod with scripts the script data can remain in the same game and it could cause problems. Some mods have stop script commands to assist uninstalling some don't.


Failing that and it is a standard game crash it might be any number of things, from a mod conflict to a memory issue (HD textures installed?) or search for a Vanilla save game (usually at Riverwood but one outside Helgen) that has no mods installed to it and use that, you will have to use the console - showracemenu command to edit the new character to your liking.

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I dont' know, but I have been haveing problems with Alt. Start, look at this: (

jesterskull25 0 kudos 254 posts

Ok I just witness something weird, I have not really tried out this mod in a while and I am in the middle of testing out "some"(a lot) mods. BUUUUT when I started this time(I most of time go as a caravan guard for mod testing) I started as camping in the woods, then I saw alduin appeared as he flew out. But then he after get over the wall he "reverse flight" back to helgen. When I went to see if he was still there he was gone, I continue on to go into the cave with vitims journal, before I went in I saw one of the Dawnguard Dragon (which I only reconized from The Great Battles of Skyrim : Part 6
) "circling" in the valley west of helgen(why the world are you here I thought), then I walk in to the cave and my game crashed. I am fixing it now, but I have a terrible feeling it might happen again.

posted @ 2:43, 3 Nov 2013

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jesterskull25 0 kudos 254 posts

well got to work perfectly, until I crash on my way to Riverwood, I think I can fix that, but then again, I did this run as a caravan guard and then teleported to helgen, and did not do camping, I dont want to try that again, that was too wierd.


posted @ 3:13, 3 Nov 2013

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jesterskull25 0 kudos 254 posts

do to possible bugginess and what cracksheredskull said(personally it would only crash if I tried to load a save that was during or after the helgen keep mission, but saves before that and auto saves for some reason worked fine), just gonna uninstall alternate start for now, ( just did a test run crashed near helgen, can not cofirm but just to be safe, uninstall)


posted @ 4:40, 3 Nov 2013

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jesterskull25 0 kudos 254 posts

Now I am crashing at Helgen keep. Mod not on... No other mods mess with helgen... )
crackedskull is right it did work fine until I got to helgen area or at least as far as I could tell testing, there was 2 crashs in Dawnstar, but I am little sure I fixed that error
Edited by jesterskull25
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so I reinstall it and redid what I went through first, the dawnguard dragon it was call God of destruction when I kill it, was my mighty dragon mod involved I dont know, but I did not crash this time and we got out of the cave but the guy was still waiting for auldin to show up,


went the normal way, saving just before each area just so I can get through, got through, everthing was fine (did have one crash entering the keep, but got through useing the save), execpt that dragon called god of destruction is still there, I feel like a giant just slam at my feet, I am 898 ft in the air, think what just happen

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