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Useable spider drones


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  • 1 year later...
How about a spider mine launcher like the fatman or a small box like factory (could be a portable container that holds the material for making the spider mines) that when the player presses a button or fires a special gun it spawns some spider mines around it. The 308 would be good because of the scope and that the ammo is hard to get in large quantities (at least it is for me). Different types of spiders mines would be nice like plasma, nuke, napalm, or electric. Also it would be cool to have a companion spider mine that has a gun on its back instead of just being suicidal.
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yes I would love to see a spider drone, doing just like landmines, you'd need to triger it to spawn a friendly spider drone.

Should be doable, I've just got no idea how to script it.


Shouldn't be too hard. I been working my tail off on an update but might see if I can find the time for this. The scripting shouldn't be too hard, but I've said that to myself before.

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Ok I'm working on it. I already can add them in game, and I've made it so they -so called- can be carried (previously not able). Sound files for the movements are in place, but this (sound) is a new area of modding to me and thus not working fully just yet. I'm working on a stock spider, but we'll see how adventurous I get after working out a few kinks. I'm making this so Anchorage wont be absolutely necessary to have.



P.S. Good,Great,Bad, or Ugly.... however it comes out I'll be expecting a endorsement or kudo from the opening poster.(Modders Fee)




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I will definitely give you a kudo for working on usable spider mines. Thanks, sounds like its going to be a fun mod watching spider mines chase down fleeing raiders or unleashing a pack of them inside Megaton.


O would it be possible to put a shrunk ceiling turret upside down on the back of a spider mine that would shoot 10mm or some weaker bullets to act like little assassins?

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O would it be possible to put a shrunk ceiling turret upside down on the back of a spider mine that would shoot 10mm or some weaker bullets to act like little assassins?


I'm not into messing with meshes to much yet so I don't see that happening real soon. I been working on making a good method of disbursing the little devils but I'm going to have to scratch my last attempt of making them a weapon like regular mines.... seems you cant attach scripts to projectiles and thats what I needed to make it work as a weapon. Fear not though other methods are under way. The mines are actually creatures so I have to do a work around to make them obtainable in the players inventory. I'm also having to deal with a havok issue. Once them are squared out I might try adding different ones with different explosions and then take it from there.

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I downloaded a few mods the other day which might give you some ideas into the players’ inventory and how to make critters and people explode. The summoner mod might be of some help if you are having problems with putting them into the inventory. Just an idea, would it be easier to add a fake spider mine that does nothing that can fit into the inventory then once the player left clicks on it a real spider mine then spawn while the fake spider mine in the inventory disappears.


All Out Summoner Mod



Suicide Bomber


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Yea I'm doing just that right now. I'm experimenting on what will be the best to use.. I have 1 set up using mic items and one using a book/aid slot. Right clicking to drop from inventory(aid) and the mine sticks in the air for a sec then drops 20 spider mines. Left click an you'll get 1.. the more left clicks (up to 20) the more spiders. Tried the megaton idea with about 60 little buggers running around... it was like attack of the ticks.... going to work on the spiders a little more too.



A little/lot off subject hers a screenshot of my up coming update to my other mod. No DLC's required, background cell in pic is pointlookout though. Now these guys can run some real wreckage on megaton.



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