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Useable spider drones


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Great idea for deploying the spider mines. I figured out how to change the explosion type by changing the "placeatme fireextinguisherexplosion" to something more interesting like "placeatme FatManNukeExplosion" and a ton more in the Special Effects section in the GECK. Playing around I managed to make a dysfunctional spider mine that is double the size of the regular one and can run 50% faster (They might need higher to out run Human NPCs) and the little terror seemed to have something out for me and did not want to bother with megatons population. After a while of trying to outrun it I discovered another Nuke spider mine that I forgot all about. :)


when I Found the spider mine


after I found it


I am really looking forward to see both of your mods you are making. O the reason my character is not in his enclave officer suit is because of the underground hideout when I was using the sorter.

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I've made a controller as a separate item the play can obtain. It brings up a menu where you can set the mines to follow you guard an area and even detonate them on your command. I too have been adjusting/playing with the explosions and run speed. The few problems I have I'm working on work a-rounds. Its pretty much implement one thing and test it several times, make adjustments and test again... then on to the next item to implement and test.. if it doesn't work out re evaluate and implement another idea to test out. See lots of testing goes into some of these mods (depending on the author I suppose) and that's why it frustrates some of us when someone bags down on your work when they have never even attempted to make a mod. Now I understand why kudos and endorsements mean so much to all these other guys whom have been modding much longer. K back to it.
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Sounds great. I know what you mean it took me several hours just to learn how to change how the spider mine explodes and that is just from changing a couple lines of the script. It sounds like you are making some fast progress and putting in some cool features into the mod. Although the spider mines had problems getting up stairs they sure did find some good alternate ways to trap and kill me. Two nuke spider mines seemed to hunt me down and trap me in megaton in just a few minutes... your mod will be good for hunting down those evil Garys... I can just hear their screaming just thinking about it. Could you add a patrol area button that has the mines run around the area or does the guard button already does that. Keep up the good work.


Those pictures I had to add to nexus just get them into this forum.

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Well you get Kudos for trying it and if you ca get it into a working mod you'll get endorsement too.


You've alradey gone past the basic idea with a controller :smile:


I'll take a look at the model and see if there's anything I can do with it.


EDIT: Due to the skeleton & rigging (I'm guessing), it's no good, I just cannot get it to work correctly.

When I try to copy the nifshapedata across the new bits I've added don't copy across they just disappear. :ermm:

I just don't know enough on this side of it to make it work.

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There be spiders on nexus already ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12877 ).


Seems were not the only ones who wanted to see about implementing these little burgers.


I'm going to see about making guard more effective, as of now they pretty much just stay in one area. Patroll packages require using markers placed in game with geck, I suppose I could make some miscellaneous items to drop as markers, but I think the simple guard will serve the same purpose say watching over the entrance to a fort. Give me more feed back on the idea and uses of it, as it might be cool just to circling the entrance.

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I believe that enclave commander mod might help. The mod has some good features and commands like a patrol like feature where the soldiers would walk around the area, might give you some good ideas. Would it be possible for the player to activate a patrol mode where the spider mine starting point is where the player is standing and the end point is where the reticules are pointing then making the spider mine to keep moving between the two points?
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I think I've cracked editing the model, I've made a new spider mine with an edited model and it seems to be ok, however ingame when I try to use a player.placeatme command it seems to just blowup the moement I close the console :confused:
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Maybe you could do a quest that sends an old satelite from the time of mission anchorage (If all the poo from that time works why not a satelite?!) or something like that.After completing it you get this laser designator with wich you can pick the drop point and the amount of spiders to be delivered at the designated spot! Tho this will be a bit over-powered so it will need some kind of recharging system.

It could be incorporated into the Zeta mothership add-on so that you can go up the ship, put in a special container the kind of mines you want to use and some spare parts and then when ya go back to earth you can pick from the kinds of mines to deliver!


And now for an important public service announcement!

Don't feed the Yao Guai! That is all!

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I think I've cracked editing the model, I've made a new spider mine with an edited model and it seems to be ok, however ingame when I try to use a player.placeatme command it seems to just blowup the moement I close the console :confused:

You just created a copy of the in game version? If so then yea its suppose to blow you up.



I'll be taking out the follow command. The guard me works just the same and it doesn't add to the followers count. I'm probably going to have the spiders in kits, drop the kit and get 20 spiders. Although I may change it to 10 as too many may make the game laggy, as it did when I had 60 + running around. Not on this first run through but possibly in the future I may add on to the spider commands an option to set certain factions as friendly... they really seem to not like the outcast right now.


Edit add on:


I think Im going to add a selection in the menu so you can choose if you want to be able to hot key 1-9 the mines. It will be a non usable weapon that you can hot key. That way you can also have quick deployment of a mine just by pressing say 1. Press the hot key 7 times and you have 7 spider mine droids. Might also do it for the menu so you can hot key it to say 2. Press 2(or whatever hot key you make it) and you can instantly set the mines to guard , self destruct or whatever. I figure some people might like this as opposed to going into your pipboy/inventory every single time.

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