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Useable spider drones


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Ok found out a couple of things, the spider drones from that mod:


1 If you place some in megaton then attack people to make them hostile the drones don't react to them, they will happly chase down super mutants, enclave and talos in the DC ruins though.


2 Big issue with them is that any explosion will set them off, so if you drop down a load and activate them, only takes the first one being destroyed to set the lot off.


Is it possible to make them immune from the explosions of other spider drones, so you don't get chain reactions?


3 And my alteration of the model worked on the spider drones of this mod :biggrin: what I did was to remove the handle bit from the top of the current spider drone and add in the projections of the plasma mine.

now I just need to add in the glows and I'll have a working model for a plasma spider drone.

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Using hotkeys would be nice feature. Is this going to be like a god weapon or are you going to put some kind of down side like costing a certain amount of caps or material per spider mine dropped, a certain amount of them dropped every so often or something else? Or both in two different esps or weapons? Doesn’t really matter for me how you set it up ill still definitely use the mod, just interested.


Hay Pob255 interesting idea. Are you going to be making some more different types like a Nuke spider mine with a mini nuke or radiation symbol on its back pulse maybe some how a electric, cryo, or a nuka grenade like spider mine?

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Using hotkeys would be nice feature. Is this going to be like a god weapon or are you going to put some kind of down side like costing a certain amount of caps or material per spider mine dropped, a certain amount of them dropped every so often or something else? Or both in two different esps or weapons? Doesn’t really matter for me how you set it up ill still definitely use the mod, just interested.


Hay Pob255 interesting idea. Are you going to be making some more different types like a Nuke spider mine with a mini nuke or radiation symbol on its back pulse maybe some how a electric, cryo, or a nuka grenade like spider mine?



Well making them a god item would probably kill the feel of immersion in the game, and I hadn't planed on that. I'm not set on a definite means of distribution just yet, though I'm thinking of adding them to a vendor. Something like 100 mines or 5 kits of 20 or 10 kits of 10. This way if the player uses them all up they have to wait for a restock to buy more. I think they would be useful if say you go in a talon fortress or such, and drop 20 or so to help weed out the enemies. Perhaps a travel into wild deathclaw or gui territory the player may want a bunch of these little guys following in guard mode to put the initial damage and help weed these guys down.

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Well making them a god item would probably kill the feel of immersion in the game, and I hadn't planed on that. I'm not set on a definite means of distribution just yet, though I'm thinking of adding them to a vendor. Something like 100 mines or 5 kits of 20 or 10 kits of 10. This way if the player uses them all up they have to wait for a restock to buy more. I think they would be useful if say you go in a talon fortress or such, and drop 20 or so to help weed out the enemies. Perhaps a travel into wild deathclaw or gui territory the player may want a bunch of these little guys following in guard mode to put the initial damage and help weed these guys down.


The vendor would be a good idea. How about that Chinese submarine in Point Lookout move it to the DC area and put a Chinese person in it that that is wearing the Chinese officer clothing to sells the spider mines and other chinese stuff.

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Hay people I managed to figure out how to put together a workable spider mine launcher (the fatman) that shoots 5 projectiles that burst into a spider mine each that that seem to attack everything but me! From testing it out in front of megaton it seems like NPC hate spider mines and shoot at them on sight. I found out I had 1.1 geck and needed 1.5 I think to get it to work.


Spider mine Launcher


Some spider mines attacking people


NPCs hate them


I put the mod on nexus and am encouraging comments by Nexus users to help see what people would like in a spider mine which hopefully will help make your mod more successful.

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Well its definitely nice to see others giving modding a try. I'll be dropping kudos just for trying.


UpDate- Well I spent a long time writing and rewriting on the mine script last night. Finding the right combination of condition functions for these little buggers to not attack everything in site, yet still attack the players enemies took some work. This included getting some nps to stop initiating attacks on the spiders.Now if you go into say megaton and place some out they wont initiate an attack on the whole town, unless you start a fight and the residents become hostile toward you then it's boom boom boom.


I'm working on letting the player equip them with mini nukes if they have them in inventory. I wont be using the nuke explosion though. Adding this ability to a Non persistent reference (base ID same for all) is a little tricky but its coming along. It would be really sweet if someone could model me a spider mine with a mini nuke on its back.


Next to the bridge leading to the anchorage memorial,across from the Arlington subway access and down from wilms warf you'll find a scavenger on a wooden dock or under a boat/makeshift shelter. If your in the area drop by and say hi to her as I'm sure she needs a break from all my test. ( Used her as my test goat the last 2 days and I'm sure I killed her over 50 times )


Lots of other things to do today but I may get to work on it again tonight.

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Your spider mines mod seems to get more interesting every day. The spider mine launcher I made took me two days of trying to figure out how to get it to work and 10 minutes to make it. I have no idea how you managed to make the spider mines not attack everything, must of took a while. I can hardly wait to see your mod when it is done.
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A terrible video of work in process. I'll get 1 or 2 more up in better quality later.





Mini Nuke applied to spider






Demonstration: Using spiders abilities to set a trap up and then detonate it yourself. Shows one way of using the features. Drop mine, set mine to stay put, move to cover and wait for the right time.... then detonate. Simple.



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Nice features and explosion. I liked the ability to have them act like a regular mine but remote triggered, attaching the nuke, and all of the other commands. Looks like they can go up stairs... that will help a lot. Watching them following you looked very useful and cool. I can see a lot of uses for your mod especially with RTS preparing your town for raider attack. Nice work.
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