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Useable spider drones


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I'm pleased to see people are liking what they are seeing so far.


Update: Well I worked on some more bugs and figured a fixes for them. I decided to make it so attaching/ modifying the mines will require the explosives expert perk, and if you have the robotics experts perk you can modify them (cause your an expert) with out using any items. I also decided to add 2 more abilities to them. You know them pulse and plasma grenades and mines that we (at least me) hardly ever use.... well I have a new use for them. If you have plasma or pulse mines or grenades and you have the demolition expert perk you can now attach them to the mines to modify them to the corresponding weapon. I would have added more but I wanted to keep it to 1 menu and that has a limit of 8 total selections.


I cleaned up the scripts and deleted several items. The spider mine script was over 200 lines when I started cleaning it up. I cleaned it the other day with FO3Edit, and when I checked it last night I was like ok.. wow. I checked for errors and absolutely nothing showed up I mean nothing.. I'll have to check it again cause I think it was a little weird to not have 1 single item show up on the left window.


I also took a few to make a couple of Icons for the pip boy. They aren't the greatest as I didn't feel like spending to much time on them, but I can't stand it when the "PIP03 error" shows up in the inventory window.



Here is a few Screenies:


Spider Control Menu

Take full control over the spiders and use them to there max.




Spider Modify Menu

If you have the equipment and the skill you can modify these turkeys. This is a full view of the menu, if you don't have an item or skill then it wont appear as a selection for you to choose from.




PipBoy Icon

Something is better than nothing.


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Dang 200 lines I can hardly get a script that is a couple lines to work . The picture looks good... I would have ended up with stick figures of some kind. It sounds like you are almost done with it. I have a lot of uses for your spider mines.
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Yea it's getting close to release, I believe and hope. I'm going to release it with the hot keys in the weapon slot and see what people think. I'm debating on moving them but hey there already their. The Spider Mine Script is 173 lines as of now, but that includes spaces. I didn't realize how long it was till I started cleaning it up.


I'm glad to here anxious are looking forward to playing with it, as it can be fun when your bored. I was messing around and went to Wilhelm's Warf, and caught Grandma Sparkle sitting down. Couldn't resist so I placed some mines around her and blew her out of the chair. Then I placed 5 or so mines and placed her on them. BOOM.. she went flying.... right over the Potomac and over the buildings on the other side I believe. That was using the default (player caused) explosion I gave them. So yea I guess you can have fun with them if your bored.

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Well I been trying to implement a shipment method of having you restock using the spider controller to have crates drop shipped on parachutes. I'm running into hiccups on it though, so I may wipe the idea if I don't get it working soon.


Seems you guys like the idea of having a Chinese ghoul selling them on a sub. This may be the way I implement the source of the spiders. I'm to to sure about the sub but I could throw it in. I haven't given it too much thought, but where would I put a sub???? Maybe I should hide it underwater and leave it to the player to find? Humm... story line.

Adding a sub with interior is a lot more work too..


My other idea was revolving around Mama Dolice's Place. Chinese Remenates reside there and upon searching no one has modded the area as far as I can tell.



Feel free to throw me some ideas.

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Yeah I had forgotten about that. Since using Fook2 I never really have a reason to go there. Don't know how much wrk it would be but those manufacturing lines in all the factories one of the machines could be made to produce them if you cant parachute them in. BTW FOOK2 has a parachute model it uses in Anchorage museum display if you need one. Don't know who made it but thought I would put it out there.
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You could always put the submarine under the water just like it is in point lookout which makes it look like it sunk a ship Photo. From what it looks like the Inside looked like it could use a some work to get rid of some of the water and the green blob that is in the back of the submarine, inside Green blob. Although if you use the submarine I believe then Point lookout would then be required. The parachute idea sounds good and Mama Dolice's Place would be interesting. Other than that I’m not sure what to use, but I’m sure someone will come up with something else good.
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Well I was real tied up the last 2 days (personal stuff to do), but I should be able to work on this some more tonight.


I looked into the sub and I think it's do able with out having to make it point lookout required. I'd just have to import the sub and maybe a latter meshes and textures. The interior is done using the base fallout game. Funny thing is I could never find that sub until jmyrs posted the screenie. I never googled it but I did swim around looking for it for over half an hour. When I saw the pic I remembered getting on that boat, but I just missed the sub some how, and yes I was swimming up and down to see far underwater. Guess that's one of the little nice things about having a big game world... you never know when you'll run across something and be like ok that's a first. I'm now positive/set in stone if I'll make the sub just yet though.


The idea of a factory is appealing, and I appreciate letting me know about FOOK having something similar. Not sure if I want to download it right now though, if i remember its quite big. I'll keep it in mind though.


I'll try a few more shots with the parachute before I scratch it completely though.



Ok I need to get back onto a few things here at the house, then I'll get back to working on it tonight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I put them up.


Kings Spider Drones



I had put a lot more into it. It had a new world space in the Atlantic with a sub, but that was accidentally deleted. Good thing I had a half finished save. Along with that I was having problems with the site.


Spiders are pretty much as described here in this topic, although I did re texture them to give them a little rust.


I ended up giving them to Moria Brown. They become available after giving her a landmine (the optional part) during the Wasteland Survival Guide Quest. Wait 2 days then she'll have enough time to figure out how to fix the mines and put them on sell.


Feed back and comments welcome, as well as kudos and endorsements.



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