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Next Tutorial? taking requests.


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Here are your choices.


1. World Space Creation

2. Good Geck Habits

3. Getting good Audio for you Dialog mods

4. Computer Terminals

5. AI packages

6. Quest Tutorial


Please keep your comments to a minimum, i'm just trying to gauge want y'all want a tutorial on based on these choices. Depending on what is the most popular answer may affect how long it takes to release the tutorial, 2, 3, and 5, i could pump out pretty fast, but the others would take some time.


peace and love to the nexus! <3

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Good GECK habits, even though I would like tut on how to copy a .nif, give it a new texture, and get it WORKING in the geck


Unfortunately, i don't do anything with 3d models, except re-tex them in GECK itself. I hate 3d modeling programs, and will most likely never use them. My Wife however, has been learning blender and anim8or for a while. Maybe when she gets a good computer and has time to work on it she'll do a tutorial.


Still need a few more people to vote. otherwise it's a tie.

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