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SkyRe, ReProccer and Wrye Bash


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I use Skyrim Redone (SkyRe) (in German). It recommends running the standalone ReProccer in order to ensure that weapons and armors are handled correctly. However, while reading the ReProccer description page I'm getting the impression that it doesn't do anything that Wrye Bash doesn't do.


If I use Wrye Bash in order to create bashed patches which fix/merge leveled lists for weapons and armors, is there any need to use the standalone ReProccer at all?

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SkyRe uses vastly different stats for weapons and armor compared to vanilla. So in order for any mod-added equipment to match those values, you need to run reproccer. Otherwise you will have equipment that is basically useless. Wrye bash does not do this, so yes, you need to use reproccer.

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