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NPCs talk faster in conversation (code already exists, just needs to b


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The people tend to talk slooow so I think if you could speed up the game about 25-50% while in a conversation with someone that would be cool. I understand there would probably be a pitch difference but I'd be okay with that.


The mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45823/? already does this but only during waiting/sleeping. If someone could edit the code to include while talking to someone I think a lot of people would like it.


I wish I knew how to script..

Edited by bct18181
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I know nothing about scripting. If this mod is possible and you make it I'll be forever in your debt.


OK I'll see if I can help out, but I'm kind of slammed on other requests and projects (working with Yogogamer on a freak'n great idea she's come up with) so I'm not sure when. So if anyone else want's to take a crack at it, so Bct18181 doesn't have to wait, it's fair game. Just leave a heads up if someone wants to tackle this so we don't both put the effort in on a dupe.

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