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Rusty Iron Daggers wont leave my inventory :(


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Hi, never posted on this forum before, but this seems to be the right place for this question.


I have some "Rusty Iron Daggers" stuck with 0 weight and as "Quest Items" in my inventory and they are not responding to the typical item ID of 00090616 so I can't think of how to remove them or their "Quest Item" status. Please help! Thanks.


(I have Frans mod and realswords installed but nothing else that influences items as far as I know.)

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nothing wrong with my url,I added console codes for ID purposes,




I wasn't trying to be condescending, your URL"http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion", was somehow missing ":console" as the last part of the URL.


I was really just trying to help the OP.


Not trying to flame or offend





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Hi, thanks for the link and the console codes, I just don't know which one to use. There does not seem to be a console code for removing items that don't have an ID. I dont think these rusty iron daggers are normal, they have 0 weight and were probably altered by some mod. They do not respond to the ID on UESP wiki. And the removeallitems doesnt work either because they are "quest items" and the change quest item status isnt working because they have no identifiable ID...


So in short, which of these codes should I be using?



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