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Spawn a random encounter for testing?

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Its a total faff. You need to hack the event quest start conditions to include a new keyword, then find the nearest random encounter trigger and in script send the trigger object and keyword to story manager.


Subject.GetEventData(GetIsID:Keyword, SKK_RETravelKMK04 [KYWD:04000F9E]) = 1.000000


If (pSKK_RETravelKMK04.SendStoryEventAndWait(akLoc = ThisTrigger.GetCurrentLocation(), akRef1 = ThisTrigger, akRef2 = None, aiValue1 = 0, aiValue2 = 0) == false)
pSKK_RETQuestDidNotStart.Show() ; RE trigger found, but the random encounter quest could not start.
There is an SKKRETrigger "start specific random encounters" mod you can use as a template on my discord.
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Its a total faff. You need to hack the event quest start conditions to include a new keyword, then find the nearest random encounter trigger and in script send the trigger object and keyword to story manager.


Subject.GetEventData(GetIsID:Keyword, SKK_RETravelKMK04 [KYWD:04000F9E]) = 1.000000


If (pSKK_RETravelKMK04.SendStoryEventAndWait(akLoc = ThisTrigger.GetCurrentLocation(), akRef1 = ThisTrigger, akRef2 = None, aiValue1 = 0, aiValue2 = 0) == false)
pSKK_RETQuestDidNotStart.Show() ; RE trigger found, but the random encounter quest could not start.
There is an SKKRETrigger "start specific random encounters" mod you can use as a template on my discord.


I grabbed the mod and decompiled the scripts to take a look, but in the end this is all just too complicated. I think I'll just wait until I encounter it naturally, I'm pretty sure it works anyway.


Thanks for the help though, I appreciate it.

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Its a total faff. You need to hack the event quest start conditions to include a new keyword, then find the nearest random encounter trigger and in script send the trigger object and keyword to story manager.


Subject.GetEventData(GetIsID:Keyword, SKK_RETravelKMK04 [KYWD:04000F9E]) = 1.000000


If (pSKK_RETravelKMK04.SendStoryEventAndWait(akLoc = ThisTrigger.GetCurrentLocation(), akRef1 = ThisTrigger, akRef2 = None, aiValue1 = 0, aiValue2 = 0) == false)
pSKK_RETQuestDidNotStart.Show() ; RE trigger found, but the random encounter quest could not start.
There is an SKKRETrigger "start specific random encounters" mod you can use as a template on my discord.


I gave it another go after realizing I could probably just use yours and add a new option for what I needed, but there seem to be some issues. If I decompile with Champollion it doesn't want to compile in Creation Kit. So I reset my changes and started fresh with your mod, and noticed that I also can't check properties in Creation Kit (it says 'Cannot open store for class "SKK_RETQuestScript", missing file?'


Any idea what's going on? And if I do manage to get it working, do you know which activator I'd use for the treasure hunts?

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'Cannot open store for class "SKK_RETQuestScript", missing file?' suggests it cant find the loose PEX file. Gotta have both PEX and PSC loose to edit and CK recompile.


Totally cant remember how to find the activator/quest relationship /gettin old :sad:

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'Cannot open store for class "SKK_RETQuestScript", missing file?' suggests it cant find the loose PEX file. Gotta have both PEX and PSC loose to edit and CK recompile.


Totally cant remember how to find the activator/quest relationship /gettin old :sad:

I found another "treasure hunt" quest that has Scene in the name, so that should make that easier. Do you still have the source files for the two scripts around? Because the ones I decompiled wouldn't compile.

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I dont have the source any more, Champollion decompiles will usually recompile.


Edit: I got it to compile by changing "as ScriptObject" to "as Actor". We'll see if it works.


Thought I had it, updated to Champollion 1.0.6 from 1.0.5 and it decompiled differently. But it still errors at every reference to OnLocationChange. Lines like:

Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent(pPlayerREF as ScriptObject, "OnLocationChange")

Error with:

SKK_RETQuestScript.psc(53,58): OnLocationChange is not an event on scriptobject or one if its parents

And OnLocationChange is defined as:

Event Actor.OnLocationChange(Actor akSender, Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc)

Do you know what the issue is? Maybe the OnLocationChange definition isn't decompiled correctly?

Edited by ScottyDoesKnow
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Thats one of the many pains working with story manager, zero instrumentation or debug info.


To see if the quest is OK change all aliases to optional. If one of the stages is [run on start] add a "I have started" debug.trace fragment or attach a quest scripot with OnQuestInit "I have started" debug.trace

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