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Mafia 2


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Here is something i just have to mention my first cpu when played mafia for the first time was a geforce 4 with 64mb of ram, a amd athlon at 1ghz, two sticks 512mb ram-1gb ddr1, and it played fairly well at max settings. Sure they probably sucked but it sure was a benchmark back then :smile: .
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great news! I enjoyed Mafia so much, I still play it sometimes. It was a realy hard game though. The mission Fairplay took me realy long to complete. But the easter eggs in the game were hilarious. The story was probably the best that I've ever found in a game, when the game ended I was almost crying. I can't wait for this game, I hope my PC can run it though.


And was that Al Pacino's voice in the trailer? Wow I hope that it is.

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