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using the garden of eden creation kit


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i have my fallout 3 installed to my documents in my games and i also have the G.E.C.K. installed but when i start it i cant do any thing its already confusing enough but when i try to make a sample out door area theres none in the list maby i need the patch



some one help do i need the patch or is it something else

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you need to access the data from your program files/bethesda not the mygames folder. everything you save from your GECK will go to Program files/Bethesda. it's also the main installation folder so all your important game data will be there.forget about mygames for right now.Click on your "computer" tab open up your C:Drive open program files,then look for bethesda. since it's all alphabetical you should not have trouble finding it.


If all else fails.. click your shoes together twice and say "there is no place like wherever all my data is" twice.. it worked for me once but i was extremly drunk.

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i have my fallout 3 installed to my documents in my games and i also have the G.E.C.K. installed but when i start it i cant do any thing its already confusing enough but when i try to make a sample out door area theres none in the list maby i need the patch



some one help do i need the patch or is it something else


You need to open the Fallout3.esm master file. To do this, click "File" in the top corner, then click "Data..." IN the popup window, check Fallout3.esm, then OK.


You must do the tutorial at http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsof...rial_GECK_Setup if you want to hit the ground running.

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i have my fallout 3 installed to my documents in my games and i also have the G.E.C.K. installed but when i start it i cant do any thing its already confusing enough but when i try to make a sample out door area theres none in the list maby i need the patch



some one help do i need the patch or is it something else


Also just out of curisoity are you running Vista?

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