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Massive FPS Drops.. Please Help.


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I've been getting this annoying problem and I've been looking everywhere to fix it.

I probably get an average of 20-40 FPS outdoors, which is fine by me, but I get heavy FPS drops, all the way down to 1-5 FPS, while I'm running or looking around, then it goes back to normal.

It's just extremely annoying. I don't have to deal with it much in dungeons, just outdoors, mostly in dense areas.

I shouldn't have this problem with my setup, then again.. Skyrim doesn't seem to be very AMD CPU friendly.

I have a pretty heavily modded Skyrim, I have most of the mods mentioned in RealVision ENB, plus a few of my own.

I have an AMD FX-8350, 2x 660ti 2GB OC SLI, 8GB RAM.

There has to be some tweaks in my .ini files I can use to help fix this problem that I may not have already tried,

Or some program I can use or something.. This is driving me crazy.

I'll attach my load order.

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Obviously dude. If my game wasn't modded I wouldn't have this problem. But there are ways to work around this problem aside from removing all of my mods, I'm sure.
Like I said, most of my mods are from the RealVision ENB page. He runs the game just fine with his setup. Only difference is he has an i5 and a GTX 560.

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