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The Trail Carbine is absurdly durable for a lever action rifle, and there were two weapon mods planned for it, but they were cut.


I want the Trail Carbine to have 200 HP, and 300 hp with the Steel Forged Receiver applied. I want the Custom Stock to reduce the weight by 1.


There are a few mods that include the cut weapon mods, but I don't want to use WMX or WME and the other mods that use the cut Trail Carbine weapon mods aren't satisfactory.

Edited by Anguti222
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One mod I was thinking about made a retextured version with no statistical changes and it required the use of console commands to gain and a separate mod was made to put it in the game. The other mod used Cowboy Repeater mods. A new one introduces a unique variant, it looks good, but it's not what I'm looking for.

No offense is directed at the creators.

Edited by Anguti222
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