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Unsolicited Paypal request after getting premium


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I decided to sign up for premium yesterday to streamline installing a mod collection. I assumed it would be safe to use my payment information directly on Nexus. This is the only purchase I've made using a foreign currency in many months. This morning I received an unsolicited paypal request from a "Bobaianu Vasile".

It seems to be an actual request from Paypal but I'm certainly not touching anything on the email.

Is this a matter of coincidence or possibly related to Nexus? I only learned of the past data breach today as I attempted to investigate my suspicious email.

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I supposed it could be an email from PayPal (if you paid using paypal), but I'm always "suspect" these days, what with phishing being so common. I think it's a coincidence. Paypal phishing is quite common. I've received a half dozen of "paypal" phishing-attempt emails over the past year. (and IRS, and Microsoft, and various banks, including but not limited to the one I use)


To be 100% sure, contact PayPal directly (do not use any link or address provided in the noted email). In fact, if you haven't yet (and are reporting based on the title and sender), don't even open it.


Again, to be certain, and to be safe, go to paypal and work direct. And/or use their contacts link to get a phone number and call them


paypal . com


(I separated the address just so you know I'm on the level. It will likely autoconvert to a localized version (like when I use it, it comes back with one localized for the USA)


Push come shove, just look paypal up on the web and use the official Paypal link you find there


your basic query, once you're on the phone with someone at Paypal, using their phone number, provided by their real, official website.... "Hi, I received some email, ostensibly from PayPal. I was reluctant to open it due to my concern about phishing schemes... Is there a problem with my PayPal account?"


My personal advise is simple, Never reply to any banking or other serious email using email. In fact, I'd advise against opening any such emails in general, unless they are on a trusted list, or perhaps if you're presently working with a company official to address something (often they'll send you some confirmation code while on the phone, either by SMS or by email, usually at your choice, like I had to do with the phone company the other day regarding my internet account). you see the title, you see a sender. that's enough to say "call them" to me, then use the associated OFFICIAL phone number for the company or government office.



best wishes and good luck

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