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Stardew Valley

How many babies can you have with the multiple spouses mod?


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  • 4 months later...

I have not had problems with this, maybe you have some kind of bug in the game, I even decided to check your theory, and still I have everything working fine, no such problems. In general, if it bothers you a lot to play, try to look on youtube to solve the problem, on youtube there is everything :D. I remember when I too do not understand what moments on the game, then freaked out, and went to calm myself by choosing things for the child site thetrendytoddlers.com, and then when calmed down going to play back, but then I realized that I can the same to look for a solution on YouTube or on the internet. After all, in fact, all the problems we had, someone else already had and solved them, and the solutions are left on the Internet.

Edited by JackDerian
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