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New Updated Breaking Mods - I fixed Mine w/ a backup


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Short story: I accidentally clicked on the normal Skyrim shortcut this morning. That immediately started a game update (Steam) which I could not stop (I pooped myself watching it happen).


My current play through started on on 08/10. I installed Skyrim fresh on 08/01, then spent about 10 days installing 110 mods, and getting them sorted out and tested well. Around 08/10 I started. But, on 08/01, I made a copy of the entire (installed and patched) Skyrim game folder, that was clean and before I had installed any mods.


This morning, I renamed the current install folder as "...._old", and copied the backup game folder in. Then I copied the missing files, like SKSE and all the mod files.


To my complete shock, this actually worked and Skyrim is playable for me again (launching it from Vortex I mean, of course - all mods working again). I really thought I had lost the play through and was going to have to take a break and wait for a SKSE update.

I am super happy I backed up the whole game folder, before starting the play through.

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