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My shadow is tposing and being weird now, not sure what made it like that


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hey guys,i asked some of my friends and it seems to be the hair mods ' problem,especially the add on ones not the replacer.I'm guessing you must be using the new lucy mod ,right?I haven't tried this solution out yet,but i think this is the problem.Hope this will be helpful.
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hey guys,i asked some of my friends and it seems to be the hair mods ' problem,especially the add on ones not the replacer.I'm guessing you must be using the new lucy mod ,right?I haven't tried this solution out yet,but i think this is the problem.Hope this will be helpful.

I tested that theory and its true, I had the Lucy hair mod and the saloon mod (Not sure if it would've done the same, but deleted that too just in case) and now the shadow is fixed, guess theres a conflict somewhere with the mod itself causing the shadow to bug out. Also if you're removing the mod, be sure to remove the hair first and then save, otherwise the game will just crash while trying to load the save.

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