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If i am correct, a modded Skyrim Disables Achievements

Prior to this most recent Update, i was able to unlock Achievements while having a modded game.(Alll mods via nexus and using Vortex etc etc)

I dont have any mods installed that that re enable achievements(if disabled).

After updating skyrim, SKSE etc etc i get the Message saying achievements are disabled at the loading screen.

Was it just a fluke that i was able to unlock achievements prior to this recent update or do i ignore the message and achievements still unlock?

Not a game breaker for me more of my curiosity


Thanks much.

PS if this post doesn't belong on this specific forum, please move if able


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If the game says "achievements locked", they probably are.


Unlocking achievements for modded games was a "bonus" feature of "SSE Fixes". A lot of people used this mod (which does NOT work in AE). Maybe you had it installed, too? That may explain your experience.


There are alternatives for AE though. You can still have mods and achievements. This mod seems to work quite well:


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