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BSA files won't load from Fallout/Prefs.ini


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Hi there,


I'm using some texture packs for New Vegas (NMCs, WRP, BOA). I don't want to clutter my Textures folder with so many files, so I made BSA archives with the textures inside.

Then I did put the BSA archives names within Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini (I dunno which one is responsive for it).


But the textures do not load. My .ini now looks like this (the HD files are my archives):

SArchiveList=Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, Fallout HD - Architecture.bsa, Fallout HD - Dungeons.bsa, Fallout HD - Environment.bsa, Fallout HD - Misc.bsa


When I place the textures in the loose folders, it works

Also when I rename the the BSA files to the name of an .esp file, they DO load.


So whats with the archives within the .ini files? In Skyrim it works that way. I heard about a name limit, could this be the case?


Edit: When I name the archive A.bsa it does load... strange... need more testing...

Edited by Liaen
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Thats what I just did, I created a dummy "Fallout HD.esp" file.

I read about it here here

BSA's are automatically loaded with their associated plugin since the official patch v1.1 which avoids the INI issues (eg. My Plugin.esp\My Plugin.esm will automatically load My Plugin.bsa, My Plugin - blahblah.bsa, My Pluginwooooo.bsa ect).


I just thought using the .ini would be "cleaner" because this way I don't need a loader .esp file. And in Skyrim it did work, but only because Fallout3/NV does have this strange limit, it doesn't. And that additional .esp file also adds more bloat to the savegame.


Edit: It didn't work with Fallout HD.esp, but with HD Textures.esp and HD Textures - Architecture.bsa, etc it works!

Edited by Liaen
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