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Messed up a cell in one of my mods


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Im working on a mod in the skooma den, and i accidentally messed up like every single wall, I tryed to fix it, but to no sucsess.


Is there any way to reset a cell?

Because I made alot of custom items for this mod (its a quest mod) and I dont want to have to restart, does anyone know how I should go about fixing this?

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Don't know if this will help, but....

Try making a new esp with an uncorrupted Skooma den.

Then load that as your active file, and also load your original file.


Then place your items from the original file in the new Skooma Den.

Still a lot of work, but you still have your items in the CS ready to use.


Save after every item is placed so when you accidentally move a wall you can

reload and move on.

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