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veronica bonnie and nico


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If you know how to open the console in the game, do so when one of them is in the way, click on them, and you will get the refID for them. Write it down, as the first two digits correspond to the Load Order mod index in your game: 01-Skyrim, 02 - Dawnguard, etc.


If you use Vortex, simply go to the Plugins tab, and scroll down the Mod Index list until you find a match. That is the mod that is adding them.


Alternatively, you could install I'm Walkin Here ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27742 ), which turns off collisions between the PC and your followers. This is probably the better way, since it would not involve uninstalling a mod during a game, which can cause bad problems, including corrupted saves.

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