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How do I place this in FNIS when I can't get into the FNIS file because it is managed by Vortex?

! am using the latest version of Vortex, on a dell 2021 machine with the graphics soldered to the motherboard with win 10, latest Microsoft spyware.
I have 67- 74 mods installed.

The game constantly crashes after a few mods have run.

my vortex refuses to load mod adjustment screen, I cannot resolve conflicts inside vortex because the screen to do that never loads.

I have animation crash fix installed, but Vortex won't even acknowledge I have it installed because it does not list in the mod list on my computer inside data of Steamapps, yet it lists as one of my installed mods on Vortex. WHY?

I also cannot adjust any mod because Vortex manages all the Mods. My only choice is to disable them from the mod list.

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